
Bit The Spectrum  - AR/VR Technologies to Boost Literary and Social Emotion Skills in ASD Students



Dates of execution

01-02-2022/ 31-01-2025


Erasmus+, Partnerships for cooperation (Cooperation partnerships)


400.000 €


The BITTHESPECTRUM project aims to combine the experience and knowledge of experts in new technologies and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) to improve the quality of the teaching process for students belonging to this group.

The project will train teachers who deal with those students, special education teachers and ICT developers. Some activities devoted to develop innovative and interactive blended training about these topics will be developed. A Human Centred Design methodology will be designed in order to allow those teachers to develop their own therapies and exercises by using AR/VR. In addition, a set of 20 exercises of AR and 9 for VR will be developed following our methodology. Those exercises will be tested in special education VET schools monitoring the impact on the students in relation with literacy and social emotion skills.


Under development

Links to Results

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